Meet Bot Roda

Bot Roda is a freelance illustrator and storyboard artist in Lancaster, PA. Bot has created cartoon illustrations, story boards, caricatures, cartoon maps, and much more for hundreds of clients including corporations, ad agencies, design studios, web designers, book and magazine publishers, theme parks, major league sports teams and many more.

Some of Bot Roda's clients include:

See Entire Client List

Bot Roda has also illustrated media guides and program covers involving caricatures for professional sports teams including:


Bot Roda got his start as a graphic artist and illustrator after serving in the US Navy and graduating from art school. His first job after graduation was at a Baltimore package design studio, where he worked for a year before taking a position at Godfrey Advertising in Lancaster, PA. As an art director and illustrator for Godfrey Advertising, Bot created original and stylized humorous illustrations for their clients' ads and marketing materials.

Over his 15 year career at Godfrey Advertising he polished his skills and developed the many styles he's since become known for. Some of Bot's work went on to garner industry recognition through a national Cleo award nomination and several ADDY awards from the Central PA Association of Advertising Agencies. He was also a finalist in the New York Society of Illustrators national juried humor show.

The decision to pursue his dream of becoming a freelance illustrator led him to part amicably with his friends at Godfrey Advertising and set out on his own. He has enjoyed the freelance life to the fullest, staying busy working on a wide range of projects that allows him to express his passion and artistic abilities for a diversified client list.

When Bot's not at his drawing table or working on his Mac computer and Wacom Cintiq (which isn't that often), his hobbies include reading about geopolitics, Austrian economics, and playing ice hockey several times a week as a goaltender. His former hobby as a Civil War re-enactor led Bot to work as a storyboard artist in 1992 with director Ron Maxwell, on the Turner Pictures feature film "Gettysburg." In 2001, Maxwell utilized his talents again as a storyboard artist for his prequel "Gods & Generals," which was released February 2003.